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Contact the School


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St Lawrence C of E (Aided) Junior School
Church Road
East Molesey

Tel: 020 8941 0846

From Hampton Court Railway Station on foot: Cross Hampton Court Way outside the station and turn left towards Creek Road. Turn right into Creek Road and follow the road to the mini roundabout. Carry on straight ahead and then take the first right turn into Wolsey Road. Carry on to the end of Wolsey Road and then turn right onto Church Road. You will see our main entrance directly across the road.

By car from M3/Sunbury/Kingston: Cross Hampton Court Bridge and then turn right onto Creek Road (just after the pedestrian lights).

By car from A3/Esher/Scilly Isles roundabout: Follow the A307 Hampton Court Way towards Hampton Court. Turn left opposite Hampton Court Railway Station into Creek Road.

Follow Creek Road to the mini roundabout. Carry on straight ahead and then take the first right turn into Wolsey Road. Carry on to the end of Wolsey Road and then turn right onto Church Road. You will see our main entrance directly across the road.

What 3 words-

Reporting pupil absence

Please let us know if your child is absent from school by emailing the school at:

Remember to include your child’s name, class and the reason for their absence in the email.  An email is required on every day of the absence and you will receive an automated acknowledgement that the absence has been noted.

Alternatively, you can contact the school office on 020 8941 0846.

Please note: all pupil absences must be reported no later than 9:30am each day