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We’re the group of people who work closely with the Head Teacher and staff to make sure St Lawrence is giving your children a high-quality education within a safe, friendly and caring environment.

We do that by monitoring the school’s progress towards agreed objectives and by providing a strategic overview for the school’s development.

The governing body, which includes the Head Teacher and the Vicar of St Paul's Church, has representatives from the following stakeholder groups:

  • Parents: two governors are elected by parents

  • Staff: one governor is elected by the staff

  • The Church: six governors are ‘foundation governors’ – three are appointed by St Paul’s Church and three are appointed by the Diocese of Guildford

  • Surrey County Council: one governor is appointed by the local authority

Governing bodies are required to have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure all its funds are spent well 

We meet regularly in groups looking at specific areas - see committee chairs and committee memberships here. Governors also take an interest in a subject or area, observing lessons and getting to know the subject leads - see link governors here. We also meet as a full governing body once every term.

Governors are accountable to parents and pupils. We welcome your comments and are ready to answer any questions you may have. Please send them to our clerk, Mrs J Dutton ( and we will be in touch.

With best wishes

Graham Lovelace
Chair of Governors

Please click here for details of Governor attendance 2022-2023 and here to view the Table of Declaration of Interests 2023-2024.


Graham Lovelace (Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor)

Graham trained as a journalist and held a number of senior positions in print, broadcast and online organisations before becoming a consultant advising media companies on future strategies. Graham also produces and speaks at international media events and advises media start-ups.

As a governor he is a member of all of our committees and chairs the Appointments & Personnel Committee. Graham is the link governor for modern foreign languages and for gifted & talented children.  Graham has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Chair of Governors Nov 2018 - Nov 2022 & Nov 2022 - 2026; Foundation Governor - Guildford Diocese Oct 2019 - Oct 2027, Parent Governor Oct 2015 - Oct 2019

Harriet Hill (Vice Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor)

Harriet, who was initially appointed by the Diocese in June 2010 and became a St Paul's appointee in Sept 2012, is a solicitor. She began her career in a private practice and joined National Grid as a senior legal advisor 22 years ago. Harriet specialises in corporate and commercial law.

At St Lawrence, Harriet is the link governor for Science and ECO.  She chairs the Curriculum Committee and Admissions Committee and sits on the Premises and Health & Safety Committee and Appointments & Personnel Committee. Harriet is also a governor at our infant feeder school, The Orchard, and Mossbourne Community Academy, a secondary school in Hackney. She has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Vice Chair of Governors Nov 2017 - Aug 2022 & Aug 2022 - Aug 2026, Foundation Governor -  St Paul's Sept 2016 - Aug 2024

Grace Maclean (Head Teacher)

Grace was appointed governor when she took up her position as Head Teacher and continues in this role. The Head Teacher sits on all the Governors' Committees and works with the governing body to ensure the smooth and effective running of St Lawrence.

Other than through her contract of employment, Grace has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Head Teacher April 2023 ongoing


George Cameron (Local Authority Governor)

George was initially appointed a Foundation Governor by the Diocese in 2006, but was appointed as the Local Authority Governor in 2014.

George is retired, having worked throughout his career in risk management and insurance. He has always had an interest in education, having been involved in launching the Institute of Risk Management and being an external examiner for the Glasgow Caledonian University.

At St Lawrence, George is the Child Protection, Children in Care, Health & Safety and SEND governor as well as link governor for computing and healthy schools. Additionally he chairs the Premises and Health & Safety Committee and sits on the Finance Committee, Admissions Committee, Appointments & Personnel Committee and Pay Committee. George has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Local Authority Governor Nov 2018 ongoing

Tony Harris (Foundation Governor)

Tony is now retired, having worked for 37 years, mainly in IT, at Air Products, a major US industrial gases company whose UK head office is in Hersham. He is a lay preacher and a church warden at St Paul's Church in East Molesey. 

Tony is  the link governor for RE, DT and Art. He is a member of the Premises and Health & Safety Committee and the Finance Committee.  He comes in regularly to listen to the children read and supports school trips and other events.

Tony has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Foundation Governor - St Paul's Aug 2014 - June 2024

Rev Anne Farmer (Foundation Governor)

Anne became a Foundation Governor in her capacity as Vicar of St Paul's Church. Before being ordained as a Priest in the Church of England she was a secondary school teacher of English and PE.

At St Lawrence, Anne is an ex-officio member of all the committees and is the link governor for English.  Anne has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Foundation Governor - St Paul's Oct 2017 ongoing

Ann Wotton (Foundation Governor)

Ann is a retired teacher and has spent the last twenty-two years of her teaching career at St Lawrence. She worked as class teacher and was a subject leader for history and later for art. Since her retirement she has been in school regularly on a voluntary basis, helping in the classroom. She has assisted on several residential trips. She also helps Jane Sachdev with "Messy Church" meetings at St Paul's Church. 

Ann sits on the Curriculum Committee and is the link governor for PSHE and maths.  She has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Foundation Governor - Guildford Diocese 2016 - 2024

Foundation Governor - St Paul's 2024 ongoing

Jez Weeks (Parent Governor)

Jez was elected Parent Governor in March 2023. He has more than 20 years’ experience in football, working as a coach, coach educator and football operations expert in the UK and around the world working for Fulham FC, the Football Association and the Premier League.

Jez has worked on multiple football tournaments including the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, UEFA Euro 2020, UEFA Women’s Euro 2022 and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. He is currently a Club Consultant for the FA and runs his own coaching and coach education company, Jez Weeks Football.

Jez sits on the Premises and Health & Safety Committee and is the link governor for Sports & PE. Jez has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Parent Governor Mar 2023 - Mar 2027

Liz Searle (Staff Governor)

Staff Governor

Liz was elected as a Staff Governor on 1st October 2024. She has been teaching at St Lawrence since 2017 across years 3 to 6. She is part of the Senior Leadership Team and as a Governor, sits on the Curriculum Committee. She has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Staff Governor October 2024 - September 2028

Jim Davidson (Foundation Governor)

Jim became an Associate Member of the governing body in November 2021, and was then appointed a Foundation Governor in June 2022. He has two children currently attending St Lawrence.

Jim is a Professional Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), working in the Nuclear Industry for SNC Lavalin, one of the largest Engineering Consultancies in the world. He chairs Membership Panels for the IMechE and has a background in Mechanical Design and in Health and Safety Management. Jim sits on the Health and Safety Committee for his company SNC Lavalin. Through his company and institution Jim is heavily involved in the promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to the younger generation.

At St Lawrence, Jim sits on the Finance Committee and Premises and Health & Safety Committee. He has no personal financial interest in any contracts connected to the school.

Foundation Governor - Guildford Diocese June 2022 - June 2026

Anya Headon (Parent Governor)

Anya was elected Parent Governor in March 2023. She has three children, all of whom have attended or are attending St Lawrence. Previously a solicitor, she is currently a Clerk to the Governors at two local schools where she advises and supports governors.

Anya is committed to ensuring that all pupils are supported to achieve their potential and that they have a happy experience at St Lawrence. 

Anya sits on the Curriculum Committee and the Admissions Committee and is the link governor for assessment. She has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Parent Governor Mar 2023 - Mar 2027

Uttara Masting (Associate Member)

Uttara was appointed an Associate Member of the governing body in March 2023. Uttara is a communications strategy and marketing professional and has held several senior roles within the advertising and branding industry.

She has been a Diana Award Mentor working closely with schools on social impact media projects and is a passionate advocate of diversity, equity and inclusion. Uttara has been a panel chairperson as well as speaker at various industry events.

She is passionate about the Molesey community and the role that St Lawrence plays within it. Uttara sits on the Finance Committee and Curriculum Committee and is the link governor for music. She has no personal financial interest in any contract connected to the school.

Associate Member - March 2023 ongoing

Jackie Dutton (Clerk to the Governors)

Clerk to the Governors Jan 2016 ongoing