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School Fees

Report Fees:

Some of the local Private schools, some of which are mentioned above, ask for an Independent report for your child.  We charge a nominal fee for this report.  The prices are listed below:

Private school report

We have pupils who go on to private schools.  The private schools ask for individual reports and we will provide this to the school when they request it after the fee has been paid.


Copy of annual report

If you require a copy of your end of year annual report, we can provide you with one.


Advertising Fees:

If you wish to advertise your business / products through the school, the following fees will apply:


These must be provided in bundles of 30) and will be distributed via book bags.


Digital Flyers

The flyer must be sent to us in pdf format and we will be send it out electronically via ParentMail.


Poster on Noticeboard

This needs to be A4 size.


Other Fees:

We charge a nominal fee for reports and letters.  The prices are listed below:

Passport countersigning

Please contact the office to arrange.


Evidence letter

Please contact the office to arrange.


Payments details:

Bank Name: Lloyds Bank

Account Name: St Lawrence School fund account

Sort Code: xx-xx-xx

Account Number: xxxxxxxx


Our school benefits from a large outdoor area with a Muga Court, a big field and some large indoor spaces such as our Hall, a Studio Class and a Food Tech room.  If you are interested in letting these areas, please contact to discuss.