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Behaviour and Attitudes

At St Lawrence, we have incredibly high expectations of our children and are very proud of their behaviour and attitudes to learning. We believe that behaviour has to be taught through clear modelling and direct instruction. We call this our Quality First Behaviour. Our pupils understand how important it is to do the right thing, even when nobody is watching. 

Quality First Behaviour Recognition Board

Our Whole School Recognition Board takes pride of place in our school hall and is a visual reminder to us about how well our children are doing with their Quality First Behaviour. Every member of staff has been trained on how to use the Recognition Board and can award gems to individuals or whole classes for demonstrating one of our Christian inspired school values. 

The House System

We have a House system at St Lawrence to promote respect, responsibility and the value of teamwork. 

The four Houses and their colours are:

Beech - Red

Elm - Green

Oak - Yellow

Pine – Blue

Head Teacher's Lottery

Will your child’s number be selected this week? If your child comes home with a Headteacher's sticker, please ask them what it is for as they will be very keen to tell you!



Top Table Initiative

Top Table is the exciting reward for those children who have really demonstrated our school values at lunchtime during the week. At the end of the week, 6 children are nominated for a place at the Top Table for Friday lunchtime where they are served their lunch ahead of everyone else, sit at a specially laid out table, complete with table cloth, and are waited on by the Hall lunchtime supervisors.